Health Conditions That Are Safety Hazards In The Workplace

Many construction workers in Singapore suffer work-related health conditions, many of which are not caused by physical injuries, but by factory disposals. Such diseases can be vital to a worker’s health and take a long time before they start to show any symptoms. What makes the situation difficult is that such conditions may likely arise after a worker has long left the company.

Having workers educated on credible information towards health condition is equally important. That is why having workers attend an essential course on fake news and scams can greatly increase their ability to distinguish credible information and fake news from unreliable source. It can also help workers to better understand more about their health conditions, as well as the required treatments and solutions they require which may go undetected if they are not trained in this area.

It is important to take note on all the information available towards safety training in SingaporeHere are a few pre-disposing health conditions that can put your workers’ safety at risk if they are not checked.

1. Airborne Fibers and Toxins

Health reports in Singapore indicate that many construction workers have reported rising health issues during the later stages of their lives. The problem here is that such conditions can take years before they come up. For this reason, workers and company owners are relaxed in implementing measures that prevent such health conditions from happening.

The primary cause of the problem is dust collected by stone masonry, and toxic fibre when laying carpet that are used in paints, flooring, and various other insulation materials. If not detected early, these conditions can lead to more severe illnesses such as lung cancer.

2. Noise

Reports have indicated that over 1000 deaf cases reported in Singapore are caused by noise. Construction sites are one such place where noise levels are extremely high. To prevent workers from such noise-related illnesses, you should advise them on wearing proper hearing protectors.

When choosing a hearing protective, ensure that they put on the right ones. The risk arrives when the wrong hearing gear is selected at a construction site. As this problem is not instantly noticeable, workers may not be able to detect this condition early.

3. Exhaustion

Construction work is extremely challenging. Apart from the physical activity taking place in these sites, dust is a significant contributor to exhaustion. Dust reduces the circulation of oxygen that workers will have on these sites. Once a worker is mentally exhausted, their level of attentiveness goes down, opening the door for injuries caused by a lack of concentration. The best way to reduce such exhaustion is by drinking a lot of water and taking breaks in between work.

4. Moving Objects

A typical construction site is filled with workers and equipment in constant shifting mode from one place to the next. Many construction workers in Singapore have reported sustained injuries caused by moving objects. Companies must place warning signs where there are movements of dangerous objects as collision with a mobile object can cause workers significant injuries. Another way of preventing such injuries is by wearing necessary safety equipment while at construction sites.

5. Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

This condition is likely to occur when a construction worker continuously uses handheld power tools. While the situation is treatable, once a person develops HAVS, the damage becomes permanent. One early symptom of this condition is numbness in the hands. If left untreated, the touch receptors can become limited for the worker.


If certain precautions are not adhered to in construction sites, they become a potential risk for both long and short-term health conditions of workers. Both workers and the management must be aware of the risk involved in working at construction sites. A good construction site will always have workplace safety and health management system in place to ensure the safety of its workers.

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